TBE has Resumed In-Person Services!

Please join us in person if you feel comfortable doing that. We will still be Zooming, so you have a choice about how to attend our services! CT has relaxed COVID restrictions but there will still be rules we are following.
  1. In the 10 days prior to attending you must not have traveled outside of Connecticut, New Jersey, New York or Rhode Island.
  2. You cannot attend if you have any COVID symptoms or feel ill in any way.
  3. Masks must be worn at all times.
  4. Due to Danbury COVID regulations regarding serving food, there will be no Onegs after the services.
  5. We will practice social-distancing.

Please join our Warm, Welcoming and Compassionate Community. We are a diverse Reform Temple Family, with members of different faiths, sexual orientations, gender identities and races.

If you would like to join the zoom call, please email tbenyct@gmail.com for a link to the meeting.



Growing & Fostering Our Jewish World

We are a congregation that supports a wide range of programs and activities for members of all ages.

We want to build a community based on inclusives, where everyone is welcome, regardless of age, marital status, sexual orientation, a Jew by birth or  by choice.

    Temple Beth El, “House of God”, is a Reform synagogue. While Reform in orientation, the Temple practices liberal Judaism within an atmosphere that is warm and traditional. The Temple, which is affiliated with the Union for Reform Judaism, strives to be a center for religious observance, for Hebrew and cultural education, and for family and social life.

    Temple Beth El is open year round to its congregants and many visitors. Celebration of each of the holidays on the Jewish calendar enables the congregation to experience and   become part of the history and traditions of Judaism, to share these with friends and neighbors, and to strengthen Jewish identity. For members drawn to activity and service there are ample opportunities for doing mitzvot for the Temple and our community through our Sisterhood and Men’s Club.

Upcoming Events

There are no upcoming events at this time.


From the Union For Reform Judaism / Reform Movement

Creating High Holiday Memories for Children

Creating High Holiday Memories for Children sdolgov

Finding ways to make the High Holidays meaningful for your child is an important way to nurture their Jewish identity. There are many ways to celebrate at home, like reading books, making crafts, or discussing what the holiday means to you and them.

Jewish Pride + Jewish Community = Strong Jewish Future

Jewish Pride + Jewish Community = Strong Jewish Future jemerman

In North America, our community has been dealing with rising levels of antisemitism and fears about being attacked for the crime of being Jewish. It was against this backdrop that I arrived in the safe haven that is URJ's Crane Lake Camp.

Why is Jewish Summer Camp Important?

Why is Jewish Summer Camp Important? jemerman

Jewish summer camps provide children the opportunity to immerse themselves in Jewish culture, engage in ritual and education, challenge themselves physically and spiritually, and prepare to be leaders in and out of the Jewish community.

Meet These Hispanic Jews Impacting the World

Meet These Hispanic Jews Impacting the World jemerman

Hispanic Heritage Month takes place from September 15 - October 15 and is a month-long celebration of Latinx history and culture. Meet some notable Hispanic Jews who have made a noteworthy difference in the world-whether that's through influencing policy, magic, or writing a catchy song!