Virtual Shopping to benefit Temple Beth El
or How you can use your computer to earn $$ for the Temple while you shop.
Support our fundraising efforts each time you shop online at and its partners. The Temple will earn a commission for products you purchase in any of the departments. We even earn a commission for Gift Certificates you purchase for others to use. Most important to remember is that for the Temple to benefit, you MUST enter directly from the Temple website. This will ensure that purchase is credited to the Temple.
Note to our college students: Did you know that you can order your textbooks on line from Amazon and help the Temple at the same time? The Temple even earns a commission on used texts!
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The benefits don’t stop there. You earn 0.5% cash back on the purchases of everyone you refer to our website. Now, you can take advantage of the ease and convenience of Internet shopping to buy the products and services you want, while feeling good about helping one of your favorite organizations. Would you like to learn more?