A Message from Heidi Harwitz, Chairperson, Board of Education
Welcome to the start of another wonderful year at Temple Beth Elohim where, Sunday mornings, we gather as a community, from generation to generation, to celebrate our children.
Under the guidance and leadership of Rabbi Gold and our two Deans, Joe Greenfield and Judy Coco, we offer a comprehensive educational program for children from preschool through Confirmation (9th grade). In addition, many of our students continue to demonstrate their commitment by working as aides in the classrooms.
To continue to adapt to the needs of our children, our 5th grade students will be team-taught Hebrew as they ready themselves for their Bar and Bat Mitzvahs. In addition, smaller class sizes in the 5th and 6th grade Hebrew classes will ensure that our children truly feel accomplished as they prepare themselves for this momentous occasion.
We will continue to offer our Torah Tots program, open to Temple members’ and non-members’ children who are two to four years old. It is a wonderful way for our younger congregants and their parents to get to know one another as they begin the journey of their Jewish education at TBE.
The PJ Library continues to enhance the work we are doing in the religious school by providing our youngest students and their families free Jewish storybooks to enjoy at home.
Our foundation continues to be strengthened by your generous support of our fundraising efforts. We hope that we may count on your support again as we conduct the Passover candy sale in the spring. As before, monies raised will go towards enrichment activities for our TBE children.
Finally, our Hebrew school and Friday night service attendance policy continues. Again, we thank you for your support.
We are proud of our faculty and administration for their dedication and support of our children. Please join us on Sunday mornings to assist your child’s teacher, mingle in the lobby with coffee and other members, show your support for our fundraising efforts or to share your ideas to help TBE build a strong religious foundation for our children.
L’Shana Tova from the Board of Education – Heidi Harwitz (Chairperson), Geri Blau Fisher, Lauren Krzyzewski, Lois Schaub, Joseph Greenfield (Judaic Studies Dean), Judy Coco (Hebrew and Music Dean), Suanne Ritchy (Temple Administrator) and Rabbi Gold.
If you would like more information about our Religious School,
please contact Contact Steve Issacson, tbenyct@gmail.com for details.