School Registration, Attendance and Cancellations


TBE 2020/21 School Calendar

School registration forms and aide applications are available by contacting the temple office.



We can’t seem to get through a winter in the northeast without missing at least one day of school, if not more. In case of inclement weather, cancellation of classes will are announced via several media:

  • You will receive an email early in the morning notifying you of the cancellation;
  • You will receive a “robo”call on your home phone or telephone number of record notifying you of the cancellation;
  • You will find the cancellation posted on this website,;

The safety of our children is our highest priority. Our families come from a widespread area, and weather conditions may vary. Please use your best judgement and don’t put your family at risk if you think road conditions are too dangerous, EVEN IF SCHOOL HAS NOT BEEN CANCELLED.



Judaic Studies Classes:



Within each marking period (15 class sessions)

After the 4th absence parents will receive

  1. Note of concern detailing the dates of all the absences
  2. If applicable – copies of Chai student workbook pages missed or classwork handouts, for the student and parents to complete and return.

The Dean of Judaic Studies will mail the above to the parents and call them two/three days later to discuss/reinforce the issue.



A student is marked tardy 10 minutes after the class begins. In a 1 ½ hour class, a student who is 30 minutes or more tardy is to be marked absent.


Early Dismissal

A student who leaves more than 30 minutes before the end of a 1 ½ hour class is marked absent.


Hebrew Classes:

Occasionally a child gets all the way to seventh grade without knowing sufficient Hebrew to adequately prepare him or her for Bar/Bat Mitzvah studies. This situation is ot only difficult for the Rabbi and the other Bar/Bat Mitzvah teachers, but, even worse, causes undue stress for the child.

There is a consistent correlation between the number of absences from school and a child’s progress in his or her Hebrew training. Since we are aware that for many people occasional absences are unavoidable, we provide Hebrew makeup classes on Mondays and Wednesdays from 5:30 to 6:30 pm and expect parents to take advantage of this service. The following policy has been adopted by the Temple Board of Education with respect to absences that are not made up.

Un-made-up absences: A maximum of four un-made-up absences will be allowed for the school year for Hebrew class.

Reporting un-made-up absences: If a child has four absences that are not made up, the teacher will notify the office and an office communication will be made to the parents.

After the fifth un-made-up absence, a note of concern from the Dean will be sent home with a follow-up telephone call the following Sunday.

After the sixth un-made-up absence, a letter from the Rabbi will be sent home.

After the seventh un-made-up absence, a conference with the Dean and Rabbi will be scheduled.

End of year with excess of 4 un-made-up absences: The parents will be required to place the student in a summer school session for Hebrew at their additional expense to make up the absences. Time of sessions to be determined.

If the child does not attend the summer session: The Rabbi and Dean will notify the parents that the student has not attended the mandatory completion of classes for the year. This notification may lead to rescheduling the Bar/Bat Mitzvah service.


Hebrew Makeup Class: If a child in grades 3 through 7 misses Hebrew class, he or she is expected to make up the missed class the following Wednesday. This year, Hebrew makeup for grades 3 through 6 will be offered on Wednesdays only from 5:30 to 6:30 only. For 7th grade, makeup is on Mondays or Wednesdays from 5:30 to 6:30 pm. Parents must notify the office by noon if they are bringing their child so we know to have the class covered. If we find there is a need, we may seek another teacher to teach Hebrew makeup for 3rd through 6th grades on Mondays from 5:30 to 6:30. If the child attends the makeup class, the absence will be removed.


Hebrew Tutoring: We are also offering tutoring for any child who wishes extra help from 5:30 to 6:30 on Wednesdays. Again, please call the office by noon of the day you wish to bring your child to have a teacher available.


Bar/Bat Mitzvah Tutoring: At a certain point in the year before your child’s Bar/Bat Mitzvah, the Rabbi will ask you to start bringing him or her on Mondays or Wednesdays from 5:30 to 6:30 pm. You can sign up in advance if you will regularly bring your child on either Mondays or Wednesdays, and we ask you to let us know if you will not be attending any particular week. Or, you can let us know by noon on the day you are bringing your child that he or she will be attending.

We are asking for your cooperation so that we will always have a teacher available for your child and so that our teachers will come only when there is a child with whom they will be working!

Late Arrivals and Early Dismissals

We want you to be familiar with the procedures for late arrivals, early pickups, and Hebrew makeup.

On Sunday mornings when you come into school you will see two of our aides at a table in the Lobby. The table is staffed until noon. These are the Attendance Aides who take care of late arrivals and early pickups.Here are the procedures:

Late Arrivals:

Anyone arriving after 8:45 must sign in their child in the book in the Lobby. We will be keeping track of lateness during the year, because lateness is disruptive, not only to your child, but the entire class’ learning experience.

Early Dismissals:

Please avoid picking up your child early if at all possible. However, if you must pick up your child early, send in a note with your child that they should give to the teacher whose class they are leaving early. When the teacher receives a note, he or she, or his or her aide, will then know to give the child any homework assignment or other information before they leave for the day. They send the note to the Lobby, so that our attendance aides can locate your child easily when you arrive.

When you arrive to take your child out early, go to the table in the Lobby and sign your child out. The aides at the table will go to the classroom to pick up the child. Parents do not go to the classrooms – our attendance aides do it.

Shabbat Attendance:

Please note that all students in grades 4, 5, 6 are required to attend 12 Friday night services per year. All students in the Bar/Bat Mitzvah class are required to attend 18 Friday night services in the year preceding their Bar/Bat Mitzvah. Sign-in forms for grades 4-6 are located on the table directly in front of the Judaica Shop. Rabbi Acrish has the sign-in form for the B’nei Mitzvah class on the Bimah. Please see him after services. Sign-in forms are also available for Bar and Bat Mitzvah services on Saturday.