RJ Blog

L’hitraot, for Now...

After four years of bringing you a new episode nearly every week, this podcast is taking a little break. Listen to this episode to learn more about our hiatus and where to find us in the meantime.

The Antidote to Kvetching

Most of us today aren’t tasked with wandering through the desert, like the ancient Israelites were... but we still find plenty to kvetch about! What if, instead of focusing on small annoyances, we turned to community-building and togetherness? This episode first aired in May 2018.

URJ Youth

Echoes of the Wilderness, Part VIII: The "Ka'eileh Phenomenon"

Echoes of the Wilderness, Part VIII: The "Ka'eileh Phenomenon"

D'Var Torah By: Cantor Josh Breitzer

The least exciting but perhaps most exacting section of Parashat Pinchas is the list of sacrifices specific to different sacred occasions.

Echoes of the Wilderness, Part VII: How Goodly are Your Aloes

Echoes of the Wilderness, Part VII: How Goodly are Your Aloes

D'Var Torah By: Cantor Josh Breitzer

What does an ancient plant known for its medicinal properties have to do with a tent? One of the most famous verses in the entire Torah lies at the heart of this week's portion.

On the Other Hand

Reform Movement Responds to Trump Rally Shooting

There can be no place for violence, political or otherwise, in our nation.

Reform Jewish Leaders Applaud Supreme Court Decision Rejecting Challenge to Medication Abortion

In response to the U.S. Supreme Court decision in Food and Drug Administration v. Alliance for Hippocratic Medicine rejecting an attempt to remove mifepristone from the market, Rabbi Jonah Dov Pesner and Rabbi Liz P.G. Hirsch released the following statement.

RJ Blog Social Justice

Disconnect to Reconnect: The Unique Position of Camp as a Screen-Free, Immersive Space

Disconnect to Reconnect: The Unique Position of Camp as a Screen-Free, Immersive Space jemerman

At the Jewish summer camp I attended in my youth, we created a sacred moment for our closing-night ritual. After we finished our campfire singing, we'd look up at the stars. Campers today live very different lives. In a post-pandemic world, they have endured screen overload.

This Summer's Hottest Jewish Films and Series

This Summer's Hottest Jewish Films and Series jemerman

The hazy days of summer have arrived. School's out, pools are open, and Birkenstocks are back in style. Whether you're looking to beat the heat in a nice, air-conditioned theater or relax at home, here are eight films and series to check out this summer.

RJ Blog Jewish Life

Supporting Survivors of Domestic Violence in the Jewish Community

Supporting Survivors of Domestic Violence in the Jewish Community jemerman

October is Domestic Violence Awareness Month (DVAM) in the U.S. Each of us likely knows someone, either in our Jewish community or our secular communities, who has been impacted by or is a survivor of domestic violence.

Grow a Good Citizen

Grow a Good Citizen sdolgov

Here are some ways to to make a difference by engaging voters and children.

RJ Blog Practice

Eight Hebrew Words and Phrases You Can Use Every Day!

Eight Hebrew Words and Phrases You Can Use Every Day! jemerman

Learning new words and phrases can be enjoyable, but when they're in a new language, they can also be daunting. If you'd like to build your own Jewish vocabulary, here are a few words and phrases that you can use in everyday conversation.

Take a Tour of the Torah!

Take a Tour of the Torah! jemerman

Torah usually refers to the Pentateuch, the first five books of the Hebrew Bible - Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy. Running through these stories is the unique lens through which the Jewish people would come to view their world and their God.

RJ Blog Learning

You’re Invited to Remember

You’re Invited to Remember jemerman

Growing up, I saw Yizkor as a mysterious event on Yom Kippur afternoon. The grownups would return to temple in the afternoon, while my sister and I stayed home. There was no explanation, just an understanding that this was a thing our parents and grandparents did, and we did not.

Continuing Trauma, Ambiguous Commemoration, and Decisive Change: Israel’s National Days in 2024

Continuing Trauma, Ambiguous Commemoration, and Decisive Change: Israel’s National Days in 2024 jemerman

When Yom HaZikaron arrives on the eve of May 11th - 219 days since the horrific events of October 7th - we expect to still be stuck in the limbo of this ongoing nightmare.

RJ Blog Jewish Holidays

Why This Summer is Different

Why This Summer is Different jemerman

For as long as I can remember, I've been in love with Israel. I've been fascinated by that small country with such rich meaning and history.

Empowering Camp Staff and Counselors to Address Difficult Questions about Israel and Beyond

Empowering Camp Staff and Counselors to Address Difficult Questions about Israel and Beyond jemerman

As we gear up for another unforgettable summer at URJ Camps - and with some camps already in full swing - we are reminded that today, more than ever, providing safe, nurturing spaces for our campers, counselors, and staff is of utmost importance.

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RJ Blog Israel

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Torah commentaries

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URJ Press Releases

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